Curriculum Statement: PSHE
‘Excellence, Truth and Grace’
PSHE Intent
At Middleton Parish Church School, we recognise the increasingly complex world our children are part of. We aim for all pupils to develop confidence, self-esteem and a positive self-image so they are best equipped to face the outside world. During their time at Middleton Parish Church School children are provided with the opportunities to be a positive role model within school and the wider community. Children are made aware of how to be model citizens, their rights and responsibilities and how to develop good relationships with others. At Middleton Parish Church School children are taught to respect others and value people from different cultural backgrounds. Everyone is treated equally at Middleton Parish Church School, we are an inclusive and caring community.
PSHE is at the heart of all teaching and learning at Middleton Parish Church School and links closely to our collective worship programme and the school’s wider assemblies; the curriculum is lived out by children in their daily actions and efforts and this is linked to our school motto of Excellence, Truth and Grace.
The children and staff aim to be the best they can be at Middleton Parish Church School through their daily actions and work. They show excellence in all that they do and through their behaviour. Grace is shown by children and staff as they work alongside each other in a harmonious environment. Respect is given to every individual around school. The children are inspired, through a climate of high expectation, excellence, truth and grace to fulfil their true potential and prepare them for their lives ahead.
At Middleton Parish Church School, we aim to promote pupil’s personal, social, spiritual and health education, as well as their emotional development and well-being. We build on statutory content already outlined in the national curriculum and in statutory guidance and follow the ‘SCARF’ scheme of work to provide consistency throughout our school and support staff with subject knowledge. We aim to provide pupils with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills they need in order to reach their potential as individuals and within the community. This enables them to learn life skills to assist their personal, spiritual and physical growth. We explore the changes that everyone undergoes to deal with today’s society and give pupils an understanding of the rights and responsibilities that are part of being an outstanding citizen.
Pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of their school and communities. In doing so they learn to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning. They reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. They learn to understand and respect our common humanity; diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning. Also, our PSHE curriculum incorporates an age appropriate understanding of RSE, as set in the statutory guidance, enabling all children to be safe and to understand and develop healthy relationships both now and in their future lives.
In addition, we support our PHSE curriculum with the inclusion of Heartsmart which reinforces the statutory requirements in relation to the health and developing relationships. Through Boris, HeartSmart’s very own purpose-built robot and a series of memorable, fun, interactive and dynamic lessons ways children explore their hearts; the very thing that makes them unique. The PSHE curriculum supports children with learning to make healthy choices and decisions with lessons supporting the recognition and celebrating of diversity. Heartsmart also includes references to the Bible and makes links to Bible stories.
Through their time at Middleton Parish Church School, children develop deep understanding of themselves and others. Children recognise their emotions and the emotions of others and begin to accept responsibility for their own actions. They learn to understand what effects our emotions, how they can present and how to deal with them effectively as well as how to support others. As they develop, children learn to be inclusive and listen to the ideas of others. They practise being diplomatic and demonstrate respect for people with different ideas and opinions to their own. They understand that their opinion may not always be shared and are taught to listen to alternative opinions with an open mind. Children learn to respect their bodies and the bodies of others. Children will have an understanding, and be respectful of, a variety of different cultures, environments and perspectives. Children are taught to respect their environment and belongings and the belongings of others. They learn about appropriate touch and consent. They learn about respectful communication with each other, both in person and online.
Children are taught how to, and are encouraged to, seek answers to their questions and share their thoughts and ideas comfortably knowing that they will be respected. They will understand that it is ok to change an opinion by listening to each other as they may be presented with a differing view point that they had not yet considered. Children are supported to talk openly about their learning and their experiences. They understand the correct channels that can support them in seeking help when they need to.
Children are encouraged to be aspirational in their hopes and plans for the future. They are taught that their future belongs to them and they are capable of great things. They are taught that attitudes play a huge part in our outcomes and how their actions support and influence the actions of others. Children are taught to make healthy choices and be brave and bold when deciding on what is right for them. They understand that following others may not always lead them to the outcomes that are best for them and the importance of making choices according to their own ideals.
PSHE Implementation
At Middleton Parish Church School, PSHE plays a vital part of primary education and is integrated throughout our curriculum. In addition, we ensure that children receive regular PSHE lessons which focus on key objectives and skills. Teaching and learning in the classroom shows progression across all key stages within the PSHE core themes; Me and my Relationships, Valuing Difference, Keeping Myself Safe, Rights and Responsibilities, Being my Best, Growing and Changing. RSE is threaded through these core themes but is at the heart of two cores themes (Me and my Relationships and Growing and Changing).
We support our delivery of our PHSE curriculum with Heartsmart where children receive weekly PSHE lessons which focus on key objectives and skills. Teaching and learning in the classroom shows progression across all key stages within the six PSHE core themes of Heartsmart; Get Heartsmart, Don’t forget to let love in, Too much selfie isn’t healthy, Don’t hold on to what’s wrong, Fake is a mistake, No way through isn’t true. Each lesson has a relevant verse from the Bible which is shared and discussed with the class. There may be occasions where teachers may feel it necessary to teach a PSHE as a result of an issue that has arisen in their own class and we encourage this where possible.
PSHE is an important part of school assemblies where children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural curiosity is stimulated, challenged and nurtured. Each week, we focus on a key current affair through our ‘Picture News’ learning. This can start within assemblies and then each class takes part in follow up activities at an age appropriate level in their classes. At Middleton Parish Church School, picture news develops a range of personal, social, spiritual, moral and cultural skills that equip children for life in modern day Britain.
Each year group at Middleton Parish Church school has a shared PHSE book to record their learning journey in. This is support by evidence recorded on Onenote by the class teachers.
PSHE at Middleton Parish is a subject enjoyed by all, including children with additional needs. Children are on their own personal journey and their work is valued and appreciated by staff, peers and parents. Children may need extra support to respond to certain activities and adjustments are made as and when appropriate. All children take part in PSHE lessons and where appropriate adaptive teaching methods may be used to ensure that all children can achieve to their full potential.
PSHE Impact
The successful approach of teaching PSHE through Scarf and Heartsmart at Middleton Parish Church school ensures children’s personal, social, spiritual, and health education are well established as well as their emotional development and well-being. Teachers assess the children’s work in PSHE both by making informal judgements as they observe them during lessons and by completing formal assessments at the end of end half term. These assessments will be recorded using whole school assessment trackers. We have clear expectations of what the pupils will know, understand and be able to do at the end of each year.
Children at Middleton Parish Church School continue to make progress as they move through the Key Stages. As children improve their skills and inquisitiveness about the world around them, and they are able to cope with different situations they are faced with both in school and in the wider community.