What is Pupil Premium?

Pupil Premium funding is additional money that is provided to schools to support children who have received Free School Meals at any point in the past six years or if a child is adopted, Looked After or whose parents are in the Services. 

The money is allocated to the school to support the learning of these children but it is not linked to individual children allowing the school the flexibility to use its knowledge and expertise to ensure the most successful outcomes for all children.

At Middleton Parish Church School, we allocate our funding through careful consideration of needs for the whole school picture as well as identify individuals, groups or classes that would benefit from additional targeted support or resources.


What do we want to achieve through Pupil Premium funding?

  • raise attainment in Reading, Writing and Maths
  • support and extend children’s learning opportunities
  • provide children with wider experiences to develop the whole child
  • support children’s emotional and social development
  • build strong and positive relationships with parents

If your child is eligible, Pupil Premium will be paid to the school, even if your child does not take up the option of free school meals and they will still have access to the school’s Pupil Premium provision. A primary school receives £1,480 additional funding each year for every student who is registered for free school meals.

If you think you may be eligible, please apply!

Apply here


Pupil Premium

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